Curt Snarr
Curt was raised in a family of designers and artists, so visual arts is in his blood. He launched Snarr Design in 1995 with the passion to help both small and large companies succeed by crafting their visual image. Personal attention to each client is something he adds to each project. Besides graphic design and marketing, he loves to illustrate and paint, and is an illustrator of his latest Children’s book “Beyond the Hedges”, a short story about a Hedgehog’s adventure. Eating healthy and studying natural health is something he also loves, BUT on occasion he falls off the wagon. So if you see him with a hamburger and ice cream, please don’t give him too hard of a time.
Jodi Hull
Creative Manager
Jodi began designing for Curt in 2004. With nearly two decades of experience, she oversees client projects with great attention to detail. Her passion to transform each project into a successful masterpiece makes her a great asset to the team. Grounded in imaginative thinking, she executes ideas to the drawing board effortlessly.